October 2019. Don Kerr. Be Employed: Vital Conservations: London Community Foundation, London, Ontario.
February 2019. Don Kerr. Why London's low unemployment rate is so misleading. Poverty Panel Discussion: St. John's Street Outreach Program, London Ontario.
June 2019. D. Tam, S.M. Kwok, T. Smith-Carrier, D. Kerr and J. Wang. Challenges Encountered by Newcomers with Disabilities in Canada. CASWE-ACFTS 2019 Conference, Vancouver, B.C.
Sept 2018. Don Kerr. An overview of recent demographic and economic trends impacting London Ontario. Presentation to the Executive of the London Economic Development Corporation. London, Ontario.
May 2018. Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot. Men without work: Canada’s invisible crisis? Canadian Population Society Meetings, University of Regina, Regina Saskatchewan.
October 2017. Tracy Smith-Carrier & Don Kerr. Exploring Trends on how people use Social Assistance. Ministry of Community and Social Services Speaker Series. Toronto, Ontario.
November 2017. Smith-Carrier, Tracy, Don Kerr and Juyan Wang The Ontario Disability Support Program. Paper presented at the Canadian Research Data Centre Network National Conference, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
June 2017. Don Kerr. From Temporary Financial Assistance to Longer Term Income Support: Probing the Growth in Ontario's Disability Support Program (ODSP). Canadian Population Society, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario.
June 2016. Don Kerr. Providing some demographic & regional context on recent job numbers in the Southwest of Ontario. Session on Regional Demographics. Canadian Population Society, Calgary Alberta.
June 2015. Don Kerr and Joseph Michalski. Has the Incidence of Low Income Declined in your Neighborhood? Canadian Population Society, Ottawa Ontario.
October 2014. Don Kerr. Energy, Population and the Environment: A paper co-authored with, and in memory of Dr. Hugh Mellon. Faculty Research Seminar. Kings University College at Western University.
June 2014. Don Kerr. Population Change in Canada and Japan: A Comparative Overview. JACS: Kansai Regional Chapter. Kobe International University. Kobe, Japan.
January 2014 Don Kerr. Energy, Population and the Environment: Exploring Canada's Record. Sociology Department, Lakehead University.
June 2012, Don Kerr. Comparing Canada with Sweden: Energy Use, Population and the Environment. European Population Society, Stockholm, Sweden.
May 2012, Don Kerr. Divergent Paths in Energy Use, Demographic Change and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Canadian Population Society, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario.
August 2011, Don Kerr and Hugh Mellon. Minority Migration and Representation: The Canadian Case. Royal Geographic Society, London, U.K.
June 2011. Don Kerr and Hugh Mellon. Population Growth and Green House Gases: A Comparison of OECD Nations. Canadian Population Society. Fredericton, N.B.
July 2010, Population Growth, Green House Gas Emissions and Climate Change. Don Kerr and Hugh Mellon. International Sociological Association. Gothenburg, Sweden.
October 2009, Political representation and Population Distribution in Canada. Don Kerr and Hugh Mellon. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Marrakech, Morocco.
May 2009, Immigration, Uneven Population Growth and the Need for Electoral Reform in Canada. Don Kerr and Hugh Mellon. Canadian Population Society Meetings, Ottawa Ontario.
June 2008, Population and the Environment: Canada in Comparative Perspective. Don Kerr. Environmental Studies Association of Canada Meetings, Vancouver, British Columbia..
June 2007. Canada's Children: Evidence on a Bifurcation of Resources. Don Kerr, Jianye Liu and Roderic Beajuot. Canadian Population Society Meetings, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
March 2007. Population Matters: Population Forecasts and Canada's Demographic Future. Workshop on Demographics and the Environment. Policy Research Initiative. Ottawa, Ontario.
July 2006. Marriage and cohabitation: demographic and socioeconomic differences in Quebec and Canada. International Sociological Association Meetings. Durban, South Africa.
June 2006. Children and Youth: A Demographic Update. Jianye Liu , Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot. Canadian Population Society Meetings. Toronto, Ontario.
June 2006. Chair, Fertility and Family Planning. Canadian Population Society Meetings, Toronto, Ontario.
July 2005. Kerr, Don and Joseph Michalski. Family Structures and Children's Behavioral Problems: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis. Paper presented at the. XXV International Union for the Scientific Study of Population General Conference, Tours, France.
July 2005.Peter Ibbott and Don Kerr. Probing the Future of Mandatory Retirement in Canada. XXV International Union for the Scientific Study of Population General Conference, Tours, France.
June 2005. Kerr, Don. Family Composition, the Economy and Health, Health Canada Policy Forum, Ottawa, Ontario.
June 2005. Kerr, Don and Roderic Beaujot. Mandatory Retirement in Canada in a Context of Population Ageing and Slowing Growth. Canadian Population Society Meetings, London, Ontario.
March 2005. Kerr, Don. Family structures and behavioural problems. Workshop on the Family, Community and Health in the Context of Economic Change. Population Studies Centre. University of Western Ontario. London, Ontario.
June 2004. Kerr, Don. Family Structure and Child Outcomes: an Illusive Relationship. Canadian Population Society Meetings, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
April 2003. Eric Guimond, Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot. Charting the Growth of Canada's Aboriginal Population: Problems, Options and Implications. Population Association of America Meetings, Minnesota.
June 2003. Jianye Liu and Don Kerr. Family Change and the Economic Well-Being of Recent Immigrants to Canada. Canadian Population Society Meetings, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
December 2002. Population Projections: Methodological Difficulties in a Context of Changing Aboriginal Identities. Aboriginal Policy Research Conference, Ottawa, ON.
June 2002. Population Estimates, Censal Estimates and Data Quality. Census Data Workshop, The Southwest Region Health Information Parnership, London, Ontario.
July 2002. Behavioural and Emotional Difficulties Among Young Children in Canada: Reconsidering the Relevance of Family Structure and Low Income. World Congress of Sociology, Brisbane Australia.
June 2001. Rejean Lachapelle, Don Kerr and D. Morissette. An Alternate Strategy for Generating Censal Estimates. Canadian Population Society, Toronto.
June 2001. Don Kerr, Eric Guimond and Mary Jane Norris. Perils and Pitfalls of Aboriginal Demography: Lessons Learned from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Projections. Canadian Population Society, Toronto.
December 2001. Family Transformations and Well-Being of Children: Recent Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Children and Youth Meeting of the Federation of Canadian Demographers (FCD), Ottawa, Ontario.
October 2001. Child Outcomes in Lone Parent, Step Parent and Two Parent Households: 1994-1998. Canadian Centre for Studies of Children at Risk, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.
August 2001. Don Kerr, Roderic Beaujot, Rajulton Fernando. Conditions of Positive Child Outcomes in Non-Intact Families: Evidence from Canadian Longitudinal Data. Presentation at the 2001 Meetings of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Salvador, Brazil..
June 2001. Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot. Family relations, low income and child outcomes: a comparison of Canadian children in intact, step and lone parent families. Presentation at Family Transformation and Social Cohesion Workshop, Ottawa.
May 2001. Don Kerr & R oderic Beaujot. Child Poverty and Family Structure in Canada. Presentation at 2001 Meetings of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Quebec City.
June 2000. Family Changes and Transfers to Children: a Focus on Children with Lone Parents. Presentation at Family Transformation and Social Cohesion Workshop, Ottawa.
May 2000. Rejean Lachapelle and Don Kerr. A New Demographic Approach to Population Adjustment. Paper presented at the 2000 Canadian Population Society Annual Meetings, Edmonton Alberta.
May 2000. Discussant on the Demographics of Ageing in the UNECE, Economic Conference 2000, Expanding Horizons: Canada in an International Context. Ottawa, Ontario.
1998. R. Lachapelle and D. Kerr. “Direct Estimates Evaluation: A Decomposition of Closure Error.” Paper presented at the meetings of the Federal Provincial Committee on Demography, Ottawa, Ontario.
1998. R. Lachapelle and D. Kerr. “Census Coverage Studies: A Demographic Evaluation.” Paper presented for the Advisory Committee on Demographic Statistics, Statistics Canada, Ottawa.
1998. R. Lachapelle and D. Kerr. “Reverse Record Check Estimates of Demographic Growth.” Paper presented at the meetings of the Federal Provincial Committee on Demography, Ottawa, Ontario.
1998. D. Kerr. “Coverage Studies Results Evaluation Using Demographic Estimates.” Workshop on the Results of the 1996 Coverage Studies, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
1997. D. Kerr. “Returning Emigrants and Temporarily Abroad: Adjustment for Net Undercount, 1996.” Paper presented at the Sept 1997 meetings of the Federal Provincial Committee on Demography, Ottawa, Ontario.
1997. D. Morrissette and D. Kerr. “La complétude de l'enregistrement des naissances au Canada depuis 1921.” Paper presented at the meetings of the Association des démographes du Québec.
1997. D. Kerr. “Coverage Measurement.” Paper presented at the North American Demographic Workshop, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington , D.C.
1997. D. Kerr and D. Morissette. “Applications of Demographic Analysis in the Evaluation of 1996 Census Results.” Paper presented at the 1997 Canadian Population Society Annual Meetings, St. Johns, Newfoundland.
1996. D. Kerr. “Demographic Methods: Intergenerational Model.” Paper presented at the meetings of the Federal Provincial Committee on Demography, Ottawa, Ontario.
1996. D. Kerr and G. Rowe. “The Use of Demographic Methods in the Evaluation of Coverage in the Canadian Census.” Paper presented at the Sixth International Conference on Applied Demography, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio.
1996. C. Dionne and D. Kerr. “Intergenerational Relationships and Population Estimation.” Paper presented at the Canadian Population Society Annual Meetings, in St. Catharines, Ontario.
1996. C. Dionne and D. Kerr. “The Use of an Intergenerational Approach for Adjusting Census Counts: Methodological Proposals and Applications.” Paper presented at the Population Association of America's annual meetings, New Orleans, U.S.A.
1995, M.V. George and D. Kerr. “Projections of Households and Families for Canada , Provinces and Territories, 1993-2016.” Presentation to Statistics Canada's Advisory Committee on Demographic Statistics, Ottawa, Ontario.
1995. C. Dionne and D. Kerr. “Estimates of Net Undercount using Demographic Approaches.” Presentation at the meetings of the Federal Provincial Committee on Demography, Ottawa, Ontario.