Forthcoming. Joseph Michalski and Don Kerr. Separation and Divorce: Examining the Fragmentation and Renewal of Families. In P. Albanese (ed.). Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Forthcoming. Don Kerr and Joseph Michalski. The Correlates and Coping Strategies of Families Experiencing Poverty. In P. Albanese (ed.). Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives.
2021. Tam, Dora, Tracy Smith-Carrier, Siu Ming Kwok, Don Kerr and Juyan Wang. Challenges Encountered by Newcomers to Canada: An Illustration with the Ontario Disability Support Program. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 10: 119-146.
2021. Don Kerr and Komin Qiyomiddin. Employment in Ontario’s Industrial Heartland: Evidence of Economic Decline in a Mid-Sized Industrial City. Canadian Journal of Regional Science 44(1):5-12.
2020. Smith-Carrier, T., Kerr, D., & Wang, J. The Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP) program two decades on: A descriptive cohort study. Social Policy and Society 19: 573-584.
2019, Don Kerr, Tracy Smith-Carrier and Juyan Wang. From Temporary Financial Assistance to Longer Term Income Support: Probing the Growth in Ontario’s Disability Support Program (ODSP). Canadian Review of Social Policy 79: 11-31.
2018. Don Kerr. "Population Growth, Canada's Energy Transition and Climate: A High Risk Future". in Special Issue: Canada in 2067: a Nation's Trajectory, Canadian Issues 15(1): 65-69.
2018, Don Kerr "Energy, Resource Consumption and Climate Change". Canadian Studies in Population 45:43-54.
2018. Don Kerr and Joseph Michalski. "Family poverty in Canada: correlates, coping strategies and consequences." Pp. 201-224 in Patrizia Albanese and David Cheal (eds.) Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives. 4th Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
2017, Don Kerr, Tracy Smith-Carrier, Juyan Wang, Dora Tam and Siu Ming Kwok, Population Aging and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 6 (4):33-55.
2017, Tracy Smith-Carrier, Don Kerr, Dora Tam, Siu Ming Kwok and Juyan Wang, Vestiges of the medical model: A critical exploration of the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) in Ontario, Canada, Disability and Society 32: 1570-1591.
2016. Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot. Indigenous Demography. Chapter 8 In David Long and Olive Patricia Dickason (eds). Visions of the Heart: Issues involving Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
2014. Don Kerr. Population Growth, Energy Use and Environmental Impact: Comparing the Canadian and Swedish Record on CO2 Emissions. Canadian Studies in Population 41: 120-143.
2013. Roderic Beaujot and Don Kerr. Population Changes and Public Policy in Canada. In Jerry p. White and Michael Carroll (eds.) Images of Society: Readings that Inspire and Inform Society. Toronto: Nelson.
2012. Don Kerr and Hugh Mellon. Energy, Population and the Environment: Exploring Canada's Record on CO2 Emissions and Energy Use Relative to Other OECD Countries. Population and Environment 34:257-278.
2012. Hugh Mellon and Don Kerr. "The Fair Representation Act of 2012 Fully Explained" Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law 6: 545-555.
2011. Jianye Liu, Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot. Children and Youth. Pp. 253-274 in B. Edmonston and E. Fong (eds.) Canada's Population Situation. McGill Queen's University Press.
2011. Roderic Beaujot, Jianye Liu and Don Kerr. Low Income Status by Population Groups, 1961-2001. Pp. 99-117 in E. Fong and B. Edmonston (eds.) Canada's Population Situation. McGill Queen's University Press.
2010. Donna Maynard and Don Kerr. British Columbia's Longevity Advantage. Canadian Journal of Regional Science 32(3): 361-376.
2010. Don Kerr and Hugh Mellon. Immigration and Voter Parity in Canada. Radical Statistics 101: 10-23.
2010. Don Kerr and Hugh Mellon. Demographic Change and Representation by Population in the Canadian House of Commons. Canadian Studies in Population 37(1): 53-75.
2009. Don Kerr. Review Essay: City Survivors: Bringing Up Children in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods, by Anne Power. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 40(1) Winter.
2008. Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot. Population and Environmental Sustainability: Canadian Considerations. Environments 35 (2)81-92.
2007. Don Kerr and Joseph Michalski. Family Structures and Children's Behavioral Problems: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis. Canadian Journal of Sociology 32(1): 56-75.
2007. Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot. "Population Change into the 21st Century." Pp. 13-24 in The Changing Face of Canada: Essential Readings in Population. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
2007. Donna Maynard and Don Kerr. "From Pre-contact to the Present: The Demography of Aboriginal Peoples to Canada." Pp. 297-310 in The Changing Face of Canada: Essential Readings in Population. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
2007. Roderic Beaujot and Don Kerr. "Population Change and Policy Implications." Pp. 329-338 in The Changing Face of Canada: Essential Readings in Population. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press.
2006. Peter Ibbott, Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot. Probing the Future of Mandatory Retirement in Canada. Canadian Journal on Aging 25(2):161-178.
2006. Don Kerr, Melissa Moyser and Roderic Beaujot. Marriage and Cohabitation in Canada: Demographic and Socioeconomic Differences in Quebec and Canada". Canadian Studies in Population 33(1): 83-117.
2006. Don Kerr. "The evolving family arrangements of Canada's children: consequences for child poverty and child outcomes." In Kevin McQuillan and Zenaida R. Ravanera (eds). Family Transformation, Social Capital and Social Cohesion. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
2006. Don Kerr. "Child Mortality." In M. Odekon (ed). Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications.
2005. Kerr, Don and Roderic Beaujot. " Demographic Change and Mandatory Retirement" in C. T. (Terry) Gillin, David MacGregor and Thomas R. Klassen (eds.) Time's Up! Mandatory Retirement in Canada. Toronto: James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers.
2004. Eric Guimond, Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot. Charting the Growth of Canada's Aboriginal Populations: Problems, Options and Implications. Canadian Studies in Population 31(1): 33-53.
2004. Don Kerr. Family Transformations and the Well-Being of Children: Recent Evidence from the National Longitudinal Surveys of Children and Youth. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 35(1):73-89.
2003. Don Kerr. An Alternative Approach to Evaluating and Generating Population Estimates. Genus LIX(3): 71-89.
2003. Jianye Liu and Don Kerr. Family Change and the Economic Well-Being of Recent Immigrants to Canada. International Migration 41(4):113-140.
2003. Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot. Child Poverty and Family Structure in Canada, 1981-1997. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 34(3): 321-335.
2003. Don Kerr, Eric Guimond and Mary Jane Norris. "Perils and Pitfalls of Aboriginal Demography: Lessons Learned from the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Projections" in Jerry White, Paul Maxim and Dan Beavon (eds.) Aboriginal Conditions: The Research Foundations for Public Policy. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
2002. Don Kerr and Roderic Beaujot . Family Relations, Low Income and Child Outcomes: A Comparison of Canadian Children in Intact, Step and Female Lone Parent Families. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 43(2):134-152.
2001. Don Kerr and Alain Belanger. "Family Change and the Economic Well-being of Pre-school Age Children." . Statistics Canada. Catalogue no. 91-209-XPE. Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada 2000
2000. Rejean Lachapelle and Don Kerr. A New Demographic Approach to Population Adjustment. Survey Methodology Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 43-52.
1997. Kerr, Don and Denis Morrissette. 1997 Census Coverage Evaluation and Demographic Analysis. Canadian Studies in Population Vol. 24( 1): 27-43.
1997. Rowe, Geoff and Don Kerr. "The Use of Demographic Methods in the Evaluation of Coverage in the Canadian Census." , K.V.Rao (ed.), Population and Society. Research Centre, Bowling Green, Ohio.Studies in Applied Demography