2019, M. Jeng, A. Olveira, D. Kerr, R. MacTaggart, L. Eldik, E. Simian, R. Downie, M. Rivard, C. Gordon and B. Adeymo. 2019. About London: CDRG Thematic Report of London, (Ontario), Policy and Planning Support, NCFS, City of London
2015. Don Kerr. Book Review of "Indigenous Populations: Social, Demographic and Epidemiological Perspectives", edited by Frank Trovato and Anatole Romaniuk, University of Alberta Press. International Indigenous Policy Journal Vol 6(1).
2014. Belanger, Alain P; Edmonston, Barry; McQuillan, Kevin, Laplant, Benoit; Lee, Sharon; Cooke, Martin; and Kerr Don. Implications of Global Peak Population for Canada's Future. Population Change and Lifecourse Strategic Knowledge Cluster Discussion Paper Series, Vol. 2; Issue 1.
2014. Don Kerr. Book Review of "Wasted World: How our Consumption Challenges the Planet", by Rob Hengeveld. University of Chigago Press. Canadian Studies in Population 41:135-136.
2007. Roderic Beaujot and Don Kerr. Emerging Youth Transition Patterns in Canada, Investing in Youth: Evidence from Policy, Practice and Research. Policy Research Initiative, Canada.
2005. Kerr, Don and Joseph Michalski. "Family Structures and Children's Behavioral Problems: A Latent Growth Curve Analysis." . CD-ROM Edition. Tours France: the IUSSP. XXV International Union for the Scientific Study of Population General Conference Proceedings
2003. Don Kerr. Review Essay: Human Population Dynamics: Cross Disciplinary Perspectives. Canadian Journal of Sociology 28(4).
2003. Statistics Canada. Population and Family Estimation Methods at Statistics Canada. Demography Division. (chapters 1 and 2). Catalogue no. 91-528
2000. Statistics Canada. Annual Demographic Statistics. Demography Division. Catalogue no. 91-213-XPB. (Part of methodological appendix).
1998. R. Lachapelle and D. Kerr. “Direct Estimates Evaluation: A Decomposition of Closure Error.” Report prepared by Demography Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
1998. R. Lachapelle and D. Kerr. “Reverse Record Check Estimates of Demographic Growth.” Report prepared by Demography Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
1998. R. Lachapelle and D. Kerr. “Coverage Studies Evaluation Using Demographic Estimates.” Report prepared by Demography Division, Statistics Canada.
1998. D. Kerr. “Returning Emigrants and Temporarily Abroad: Adjustment for Net Undercount, 1996.” Report prepared by Demography Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
1998. Kerr, Don. Alternate Methodologies in the Evaluation of Census Coverage: Canada, the United States, Britain and Australia. Demographic Document Series, no. 5. Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 91F0015MPF, Ottawa, Ontario.
1997. D. Kerr “Comparisons of the 1996 Census with Postcensal Estimates, Canada, Provinces and Territories.” Report prepared by Demography Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
1995. C. Dionne and D. Kerr “Alternate Techniques for Evaluating Census Counts: Methodological Proposals and Applications.” Report prepared by Demography Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
1995. C. Dionne and D. Kerr “Use of Intergenerational Approach for Adjusting Census Counts: Methodological Proposals and Applications.” Report prepared by Demography Division, Statistics Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
1995. M.J. Norris, D. Kerr and F. Nault “Projections of the Aboriginal Population Identity Population in Canada , 1991-2016.” Report prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, Ottawa, Ontario.
1995. D. Kerr, A. Siggner and J.P. Bourdeau. “ Canada 's Aboriginal Population, 1981-1991.” Report prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, Ottawa, Ontario.